I just spent Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Camping at West Branch State Park. Most of the State Parks in Ohio opened for camping the Thursday before Memorial Day (May 21st, 2020). At this point Hocking Hills State Park remains closed (scheduled to open June 15th) the State Park Lodges are also closed.
Much like the rest of the places you visit, the campgrounds are open, but it is not business as usual. When we checked in we were given an additional flyer that listed all the restrictions and changes due the Coronavirus and COVID-19 Pandemic. I will highlight the changes we experienced while camping and share the details on what new policies you should expect this summer.
3 Biggest Changes due to COVID-19
- Playgrounds and Game areas are closed
- Camp Store is closed (no ice or firewood sales)
- No Guests allowed in campground
What was it like camping with COVID-19 Restrictions?
Overall our camping experience wasn’t that different, we still had a great time. We spent 3 nights at West Branch and were able to do most of the things we usually enjoy. We usually enjoy stopping by the camp store after a hike to get slushies, but with the store closed we missed out on that. Another activity we missed out on was the movie and ice cream social. Due to the social distancing requirements both of those activities were cancelled. If you usually have friends or family visit while camping you will have to change you plans for the time being, right now the campground is only open to registered campers. This includes use of the campground boat ramp.
If you would like to see more about our weekend at West Branch check out the YouTube video below.
Are the Bathrooms and Shower Houses Open?

The main bathrooms and shower houses at West Branch were open. There were some restrictions, this may change depending on campground.
- Everyone was supposed to enter the front door and exit the side
- Limited capacity to 10 people
- Rotating closures for cleaning
- Smaller Bathrooms and Pit Latrines are Closed
Are Masks Required for Camping?
Masks were recommended when using the shower houses but were not required anywhere in the campground.
Are Playgrounds and Pools Open?

As of right now all playgrounds and pools are closed. This includes Basketball, Volley Ball, Gaga Ball and other sports areas.
Is the Beach Open?
The campground and larger public beach at West Branch are both open, with signs for social distancing.
Is the Camp Store Open?
The Camp Store was closed with no scheduled date to open. This also means that you cannot get firewood or ice inside the campground. If you need either of these items pick them up locally before arriving or plan on making a trip out of the park to get them.
Complete list of published changes due to COVID-19
When we checked in we were given a flyer that listed all the changes due to COVID-19. Click here or on the picture to download a PDF copy of the flyer. If you don’t want to read the entire flyer I have included summarized list of the information below.
Stay Safe Outdoors – Camping at Ohio State Parks (Summary)
- Cancel reservation if anyone in your group is sick or exhibiting signs of coronavirus
- Practice “self-contained” camping whenever possible, restrooms and showerhouses may be limited
- One family household per campsite
- No visitors
- Trash disposal may be limited, pack additional trash bags to carry trash out
- Refrain from gathering in groups of more than 10
- Leave 6 ft of distance between you and other campers during you stay
- If COVID-19 guidelines are disregarded you may be asked to leave
- Some facilities such as marinas guests may asked to wear face coverings
- Staff will be wearing face coverings while indoors and interacting with guests
- Check-in procedures will be streamlined if possible to reduce face-to-face interaction
- Maintenance and disinfection schedules will be followed for all “touch” areas such as restrooms and dump stations
- Each campground will offer at least 1 open restroom, some shower houses may be closed
- List of Closures
- Camp stores and commissaries
- Nature Centers, Naturalist Programs and Amphitheaters
- Picnic Shelterhouses
- Playgrounds and Various Ball Courts
- Pools and Splashpads
- Hiking trails, beaches, boat ramps and fishing piers will remain open
- Traditional and disc golf courses will be open, but the number of participants may be limited
West Branch State Park Operations Update (Summary)
- Camp Office hours will vary by day of the week. Hours will be posted on sign in the restroom/showerhouse and outside camp store.
- Indefinite Facility Closures
- Camp Store / Life Jacket Loaner Program
- All nature programs
- All playgrounds
- Basketball and volleyball courts
- Picnic shelters
- Several Restrooms
- Water fountains
- Amphitheater
- Friends Building
- Restrooms / Shower Houses
- Enter through front
- Periodic closures (one at a time)
- Occupancy limitations (no more than 5 men and 5 women at a time)
- Do not park in grass
- Local business are open for supplies
- Camp Hosts are available for after hours help, please practice social distancing when interacting with them
Overall Impression of Camping during the COVID-19 Pandemic
As I already mentioned we still had a great time. If you are camping in a trailer or motorhome things should be close to normal with the exception of the playgrounds and store. For tent campers who rely on the shower house and bathrooms you may be more inconvenienced, but should still be able to get out and enjoy you time in the Ohio State Parks.
The information in this article was based on my experience at West Branch Stat Park, but all Ohio State Parks are following the same policies so your experience in other parks should be about the same. For private parks and parks in other states, I would expect there to be some differences. If we all follow the recommended guidelines we should still be able to have a great camping season in 2020.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources website has been down recently, but you might want to check there before you next trip for the latest information.
If you experience something different or have any questions please leave a comment below so others know what to expect when camping this year.
Thanks for Reading, Stay Safe and Happy Camping,