Guide to the Best 5th Wheel Hitch for Short Bed Trucks
Picking a 5th wheel hitch for your short bed truck can be challenging. 5th wheel RVs provide many advantages over bumper pull travel trailers, but they also bring some new considerations. There are things you never had to worry about with a traditional trailer. Hitting the side rails of your bed with the pin box, or crashing the corner of your trailer into the back window of your truck. When towing a 5th wheel there are many hitch options, fixed, slider, auto slider. Or there are less conventional options, such as gooseneck conversions and the Andersen Ultimate Fifth Wheel Connection.
My recommendations for best short bed hitch
If you would like to compare all the hitches avaliable checkout the Complete 5th Wheel Hitch Comparison Table.
If you are looking to get straight to my recommendations, here they are.
Best Lightweight 5th wheel Hitch
The Andersen Ultimate hitch is perfect for anyone who removes their hitch often. While not a sliding hitch the multiple configurations of the ball coupler allow most shortbed trucks plenty of clearance for turns.

Best Manual Sliding 5th Wheel Hitch
If you want the most maneuverability possible, but still want a hitch that can be removed by 1 person without too much trouble the Curt A20 with roller base is just what you need. This hitch features a manual sliding base and a fully articulating head to make hitching on uneven ground easy.

Best Auto-Sliding 5th Wheel Hitch
If you full-time in your 5th wheel or never remove your hitch an auto sliding hitch is the way to go. The Pullrite Superglide is built like a tank and gives you peace of mind when making tight turns.

Alternative to a Sliding 5th Wheel Hitch
Do you want to use a standard 5th wheel hitch with your short bed truck? The Reese 5th Airborne Sidewinder pinbox will allow your short bed truck to maneuver your trailer and provide it provides a smooth air ride.

What is the biggest concern when towing a 5th wheel with a short bed truck?
The biggest concern is turning angle. Until you have your truck and trailer hitched up you won’t know for sure what your turning radius will be. With any hitch you are looking at a few simple measurements can help you to determine its performance with your truck. This short video from B&W Hitches explains a way to estimate your turning angle before making a purchase.
Another thing to think about when choosing a 5th wheel hitch is how often your will remove it from the bed of the truck. Different hitch designs have vastly different weights. Your fitness level and the equipment you have to install and remove the hitch could be a major factor in your choice.
There isn’t one perfect hitch for every situation. This guide should help you determine what features are most important to you and help you pick the best 5th wheel hitch for your truck.
General 5th Wheel Hitch Information
5th Wheel Hitch Weight Ratings
Hitches come in a variety of weight ratings. The lightest ratings are usually 15,000 lbs and the heaviest hitches are rated for 30,000 lbs. Most Manufacturers increase their ratings by about 5,000 lbs as they move up. When selecting a hitch consider the RV you own or are buying now and think about what you may want 5 or more years from now. You will save money in the long run by buying a larger hitch than you need now instead of trading it in when you buy your next 5th wheel.
Bucking and Chucking
Loose connections can cause what is known as bucking and chucking. This is when you feel the RV pushing and pulling against the tow vehicle causing a bumpy unpleasant ride. When the all connections between the 5th wheel king pin and truck frame aren’t tight the RV and truck can move independently. When the loose connection finally runs out of travel a sudden jarring will be felt. Once this starts to happen on a bumpy road it may be impossible to stop without slowing to a stop.
5th Wheel Hitch Mounting Options
How you attach the hitch to your truck depends on how your truck is equipped. If you have a late model Ford, Ram or Chevy with the factory prep kit that includes pucks pre-installed at the factory mounting is much easier.
ISR- Industry Standard Rails
Industry Standard Rails, ISR kits install in your bed and provide a standardized rail system that will work with a variety of manufacturers hitches. Depending on the kit some are permanently installed in the bed and others are removable leaving you bed clear when the hitch is not being used.

Above bed mounting systems

Above bed systems use a bracket that is installed in the bed for attaching the hitch. Like many ISR systems these brackets are left in the bed even when the hitch is not in use. The size and shape of the bracket is determined by the hitch manufacturer, so they are not interchangeable. For example, a Reese system won’t work with a Curt Hitch.
Under bed mounting systems
Under bed systems work like the factory installed puck systems. The mounting hardware is attached to the frame with access holes drilled thru the bed. When you are towing, the hitch is connected to the brackets below the bed. When not in use you can remove the hitch leaving you bed clear of any obstacles.

Kits like the CURT 16424 Custom Fifth Wheel Installation Kit attach to the frame of the truck and may require removing the bed, exhaust or other equipment in your truck. To install most kits you will be drilling holes in both the frame and bed.
Once you install a rail system in your truck you can remove the hitch any time. Be aware that with some systems the rails remain in the bed of the truck and could cause a problem if you try to slide in a sheet of drywall of other items that could be damaged by the rails.
This video from Curt shows the installation process on a Ford F350
Factory Puck Systems
Ford, GM and Ram now all sell ¾ and 1 ton trucks from the factory with 5th wheel prep kits installed.



A factory 5th wheel prep kit makes installing your hitch much easier. Most manufacturers now make hitches that attach directly to the “pucks” in the bed of your truck. If you choose a hitch that utilizes industry standard rails an adapter such as the Reese 30156 Rail Kit Mounting Adapter will attach between the factory pucks and the hitch.

With these factory puck systems, a fifth wheel hitch can be installed in a few minutes without using any tools. If you are in the market for a new tow vehicle I would suggest putting a factory 5th wheel prep on your list of must haves. In addition to the ease of installation the factory prep will provide you with a trailer wiring connector mounted in the bed to make the process of hooking up your RV as easy as possible.
Alternative Mounting Options
In addition to the standard attachment methods there are some interesting alternatives that utilize a gooseneck ball. All factory prep systems include an attachment point for a gooseneck ball. Aftermarket gooseneck mounting kits are also available. These alternatives are great for anyone who tows a gooseneck trailer in addition to their 5th wheel.
Gooseneck Hitch Attachment
The Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection attaches directly to a gooseneck ball making installation quick and easy with no rails or adapters.
The B&W turn-over-ball system is a gooseneck ball that mounts to the frame of the truck. When not in use the ball can be flipped over leaving the bed of your tuck open. When used with the B&W Companion hitch the 5th wheel hitch attaches in the ball socket. This provides a single point connection of their hitch. This simplifies the process of installing and removing the hitch.
This video from B&W shows the installation of a turn-over-ball system
Gooseneck Adapters
Lastly there are gooseneck adapters like the Andersen Ranch Hitch Adapter and the Reese Goosebox. Both allow you to connect your fifth wheel directly to a gooseneck ball in the bed of your truck. This makes connecting your fifth wheel as easy as any gooseneck trailer. The downside is that unlike most gooseneck trailers an RV has a wide front cap located forward of the hitch. This means that sharp turns may be impossible with a short bed truck. If you consider this option look closely at the design of your RV and take some measurements to be sure it will work for you.
Reese Goosebox
The Reese Goosebox completely replaces the pin box on your RV. The new pin box has an airbag to give you a smoother ride and connects to the gooseneck ball in your truck. This product has been endorsed by Lippert Components, Inc the largest manufacturer of 5th wheel frames. The installation requires several people or some type of lifting device because the Goosebox weighs about 160 lbs.
Ranch Hitch Adapter
The Ranch Hitch attaches directly to the king pin on you RV and allows 12” – 16” of height adjustment. This hitch can be installed in under 30 minutes. If you choose to go with the Ranch Hitch. I would use the version with an 8” offset for a short bed truck. The additional 8” of clearance will allow greater turning radius. Be aware your turning may still be limited which could make backing or even tight turnarounds dangerous. Another concern is that some fifth wheel manufacturers will void the warranty if this type of adapter is used.

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Fixed Hitches
The fixed hitch design is time tested. The design is simple and has few moving parts.

Fixed Hitch Weight
The weight of a fixed hitch can vary. The Entry level Curt E16 weighs in at 101 lbs, but the B&W Companion Hitch is a hefty 206 lbs. While the lighter weight hitches can be moved in and out of the truck by one person the heavier options will need a hoist or multiple people to move.
Lightest Fixed Hitch
Demco responded to the light weight design of the Andersen and PullRite SuperLite with their own 21K rated design.
For the Recon Demco decided to keep the traditional 5th wheel hitch connection but used a pyramid base to lighten the weight while maintaining strength.
Fixed Hitch Towing Performance
The towing performance of a fixed hitch can vary depending on the quality of the hitch you choose. Lower cost hitches have a single jaw to lock the king-pin of your trailer in place. More expensive models have a dual jaw system for a more secure connection.
Another thing to look for when choosing a fixed hitch is an articulating head. This makes it easier to hookup and unhook on uneven ground.
The last major difference between more expensive and lower cost models is amount of “slop” in the system. The tighter all the connections are between the truck frame and the 5th wheel camper the better ride you will get.
Fixed Hitch Limitations with Short Bed Trucks
The biggest problem with using a fixed hitch in your short bed truck is limited turning radius. 5th wheel trailers are more maneuverable than their bumper pulled counterparts mostly due to the ability to turn 90 degrees or more. This is usually not possible with a fixed hitch and short bed truck. The last thing you want to do is get stuck at a gas station or get to your campsite and not be able to turn into you site.
Solution for Short Bed Towing With a Fixed Hitch
Reese Sidewinder Pin Box, 2nd Best option for 5th Wheel Towing with Short Bed
One product that solves the problem of using of a fixed hitch in a short bed truck is the Reese Sidewinder and 5th Airborne Sidewinder. This innovative design replaces your RV’s pin box with one that shifts the pivot point of the hitch backwards by 22”. A wedge is installed on the pin box that stops the king pin from rotating in the hitch. This allows the rotation to take place in the pin box instead of at the hitch. With this design, most short bed trucks can still make turns of up to 90 degrees. For an even smoother ride the 5th Airborne Sidewinder adds an airbag in the pin box. This provides the smoothest ride and still allows a great turning radius. The sidewinder provides the best of both worlds allowing you to use a light weight fixed hitch and maintain an almost 90 degree turning angle.

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Check out this video from Reese for more information on the 5th Airborne Sidewinder
Recommended Sidewinder Combination under 16K
If your RV’s gross weight is under 16K I recommend the Airborne Sidewinder pin box paired with the Curt A16. This combination provides great maneuverability and a great ride with your short bed truck. The Curt A16 has a wide king pin opening and fully articulating head. These features allow you to easily hookup your RV when on uneven ground. The hitch is designed with a single pin to separate the head from the base making it easier for you to install and remove from you truck bed. It also has an auto-resetting handle with a 3 position coupling indicator.
Coupling Indicator Positions
Uncouple – Jaws are locked open, safe to pull away
Couple – Jaws are ready to couple to trailer
Tow – Jaws are locked close, safe to tow

The A16 is available with several mounting options to fit your needs, Industry standard rails as well as Ram, Ford and GM factory prep.
A16 with
Ford Prep
A16 with
Ram Prep
A16 with
GM Prep
A16 with
Sidewinder Compatibility
Some 5th wheel hitches are not compatible with the sidewinder pin box. The Huskey 16K S and Huskey Roller are not compatible. Please verify the hitch you plan to use is compatible with a rotating pin box.
Sliding Hitches
The sliding hitch was developed specifically to address the issue of towing a 5th wheel with a short bed truck. A sliding hitch does exactly what you would expect it to do. It slides forward and backward in the bed of the truck to provide an optimal ride when going straight and optimal turning angle when maneuvering. The tradeoff of a sliding hitch is that they have more parts which means more weight and more items for you to maintain.
Auto Sliding Hitch

Manual Sliding Hitch

Manual Sliding Hitches
Manual Sliding Hitch Weight
Manual sliding hitches are slightly heavier than their fixed counterparts. The entry level Huskey 16K Fifth Wheel with 10-16 glider weighs in at a manageable 136 lbs while the combined weight of the B&W slider with the Ram puck mounting is 305 lbs. So weight is definitely a consideration when comparing manual sliding hitches.
Manual Sliding Hitch Process
When you need to change from towing to the maneuvering position, here are the steps.
- Get out of your truck and pull the slide release lever.
- Get back in your truck pull forward until the hitch locks into position.
- Make any needed sharp turns.
- Get out of the truck and pull the slide release the lever.
- Get back in the truck and back up until the hitch locks into the towing position.
Now you are ready to travel again.
This means that although the manual operation isn’t bad when backing into a camp site if you need to make a U-turn or maneuver around a gas station you must get out of the truck and change the position of the hitch twice.
Some other things to note with manual sliding hitches are. The sliding and sudden locking into position can be a little scary the first couple of times. Finally, you should never tow at road speeds in the maneuvering position. The weight of the RV is positioned too far back in the truck causing unsafe handling and braking.
Auto Sliding Hitches
Best option for full time towing with a short bed
If you do a lot of traveling and plan on leaving your hitch in the truck and an auto sliding hitch is probably the best option for your short bed truck. An auto sliding hitch automatically move back in the bed as you turn. The sharper you turn the further the hitch slides back in the bed. This give you the maximum turning angle and straight towing performance without any manual adjustments. Just hitch up and go, the auto slider will do all the work for you.
There are 2 manufacturers of auto sliding hitches, Demco and PullRite. Both hitches are built well and function in very much the same way.
Demco Autoslide

The Demco Autoslide series is available in models rated from 13K to 21K. Mounting options include ISR and under bed mounting that leaves the bed free and clear when the hitch is removed. A version of the Autoslide is also available that you can mount directly to the Ford factory prep system.
PullRite SuperGlide

The PullRite SuperGlide series is available in models rated from 12K to 24K. Mounting options include ISR versions as well as under bed versions that use PullRite’s “clean bed technology”.
This video from Demco shows the benefit of an auto sliding hitch
Auto Sliding Hitch Weight
Due to the added parts required to make the hitch work auto sliding hitches are by far the heaviest. The Demco 13K Autoslide with the under bed mounting system weighs an incredible 352 lbs. These hitches are really designed to be left in the bed all the time. So if you use your truck for work or other projects this probably isn’t the hitch for you. Lastly, if you are towing your 5th wheel with a ¾ ton truck and are already close to the max payload you may want to look at one of the lighter options.
5th wheel towing with less than 6 foot bed
Both companies also produce a hitch designed specifically for super-short less than 6 foot beds. The Demco 13K Autoslide and PullRite 12K SuperGlide feature over 20” of travel. These hitches were designed to be used with Ultralite 5th wheel trailers being pulled by ½ ton trucks. The Demco has a slight advantage in these super long travel hitches. It also shifts 2-3/4” side to side while turning creating more clearance between the back of the pin box your bed rails or tonneau cover rails.
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Auto Sliding 5th Wheel Hitch Performance
There is no doubt that auto sliding hitches do their job and do it well. There really isn’t an entry level auto sliding hitch. They are all built very well, and you should experience minimal bucking and chucking when using any of them. If you are looking for the safest option to pull your 5th wheel with a short bed truck the auto sliding hitch is it. You will never forget to slide the hitch, or decide that you don’t want to get out in the rain to release the lever and risk damaging your truck or RV. The only down side is they are more expensive and very heavy. If you are planning to be full time in your RV, I would suggest an auto sliding hitch.
Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection
My pick the best 5th wheel hitch for short bed trucks
The Andersen Ultimate hitch is a revolutionary design. It takes the general concept of a gooseneck ball and raises it up to the height of a 5th wheel hitch. The design is available two material options steel and aluminum. It is also available in a rail mount and gooseneck ball mount version. The hitch consists of a pyramid shaped base mounted in the bed with an adjustable ball on the top and a coupler block that attached to the king pin on your 5th wheel. The design is light weight and provides several advantages over a traditional 5th wheel hitch. I recommend this hitch to anyone with a long or short bed, who frequently removes their 5th wheel hitch. In case you are wondering I am not getting paid by Andersen Hitches, I’m just a very happy owner of their product.
Andersen Ultimate ball coupler
The same coupler is included with all versions of the Andersen Ultimate. You attach it to your 5th wheel’s king pin allowing it to connect to the hitch base. The coupler installation takes about 10 minutes using hand tools. To install the coupler you slide the block around the king pin and secure it with 2 long bolts. Next, align the coupler with your pin box and tighten the set screws locking it in place and preventing rotation. Finally, tighten the 2 long bolts.
The locking mechanism is connected by a cable to a handle that is mounted on your RV. If you don’t like the idea of drilling into your RV to mount the handle it can be secured to the pin box using heavy duty magnetic bases.
The coupler has 2 possible mounting positions. The standard position locates the ball socket in front of the king pin providing the most clearance between the RV and the truck cab. In some truck beds like my 6.5’ Ram this position will allow the pin box to hit the sides of the bed when making a sharp turn. To correct this the coupler can be turned around moving the pin box further forward. Slightly reducing the turning angle.
Standard Coupler Position

Reversed Coupler Position

Andersen Hitch Gooseneck Mount Version
The gooseneck mount version is available in aluminum or steel and is rated at an impressive 24,000 lbs. More impressive is the weight of the aluminum version, only 35 lbs! The Steel option is still a manageable 75 lbs. The super light weight of the aluminum hitch makes it great for the weekend RV’er who wants to get home for work quickly get hitched up. Then, at the end of the weekend take the hitch back out of your truck and be ready for the week.
Attaching the Andersen Ultimate Gooseneck Hitch
If you have a truck with a gooseneck ball or factory gooseneck prep you can install the hitch in as little as 5 minutes.
- Set hitch on top of the gooseneck ball.
- Inset the locking pin and secure with a cotter pin.
- Torque the top bolt to tighten the hitch down.
- Torque the 2 locking bolts.
Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection Performance with Short Bed Trucks
I will focus on the aluminum gooseneck version for this section because it is the version I personally own and recommend. The connection to the bed is very secure and with no moving parts there is no potential for any jarring, bucking or chucking with this hitch. The ball socket on the coupler uses an anti-friction coating meaning you will never have to grease this hitch. Once the coupler is locked to the ball the entire system had no slop or movement. Unlike traditional 5th wheel hitches the ball connection makes it possible for you to connect or disconnect your RV on a slope. The “ball funnel” on the coupler even guides the hitch if you are an inch or two off.
The design of the hitch and coupler shifts the pivot point a little bit rearward compared to a traditional 5th wheel hitch, this allows a turning angle almost as tight as a sliding hitch, but with a fraction of the weight. The Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection trades some maneuverability for the light weight and compact design. For anyone who frequently removes their hitch I believe this is the best option.
This picture is my own truck and RV and as you can see I can turn almost 90 degrees with a 6.5 ft bed.

This video from Andersen demonstrates the hitch with and even shorter 5.5 ft beds
Andersen Hitch Rail Mount Version
The Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel Connection is also available in a rail mount version. It is only available in steel and is rated for 20,000 lbs. This hitch can attach to any ISR system or if your truck is equipped with a factory puck system simply use a “picture frame adapter”. The rail mount version can be installed with the ball offset towards the cab for long bed trucks or with the ball offset towards the tailgate to provide more clearance for short bed trucks. The rail mount hitch weighs an impressive 40 lbs.

Andersen Ultimate Safety Chains
There is some debate about using safety chains with the Andersen Ultimate Connection. Because of the ball connection there have been reports of highway patrol officers citing people for not having safety chains. Andersen offers a safety chain kit that I have installed on my own RV. The kit is inexpensive and easy to install. It also gives some extra assurance that you will be safe going down the road. I spoke with Andersen and was told that most hitches are sold without the chains, so I guess it’s up to you. I would recommend using the chains.
PullRite SuperLite 5th Wheel Hitch

After the introduction of the Andersen Ultimate Hitch, PullRite introduced their own variation of a light weight ball connection hitch. The SuperLite is built from steel and rated at 20,000 lbs. While not as light as the Andersen it only weighs 52 lbs.
PullRite reversed the ball connection by locating the coupler on the hitch and attaching the ball to the king pin of the RV. Unlike Andersen the ball connection and locking pin on the SuperLite require lubrication. They do share the tight connection with limited moving parts to provide a smooth ride. Finally, PullRite has introduced a gooseneck adapter for your traditional gooseneck trailers allowing them to be used with the SuperLite.
PullRite SuperLite with Short Bed Trucks
Will the SuperLite work with a short bed truck? The answer to this question is unclear. Similar to the fixed 5th wheel hitch the SuperLite was not designed specifically with short bed truck in mind so the performance will depend on the specific truck and RV combination. But, If you are towing with a long bed truck this might be the perfect solution for you.
5th Wheel Hitch Comparison Table
Check out this table for a side-by-side comparision of most the the hitches on the market today.
When it comes to selecting the right 5th wheel hitch for you there are many things to consider. I hope this guide helped to explain the options and benefits available to you. If you have any questions, or if I missed any hitches you would like to see added to the guide please comment.
Also, if you found this guide useful please use the links below to share this on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter.
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Hi there,I read your blogs named “Best 5th Wheel Hitch for Short Bed Trucks [Complete Guide]” daily.Your story-telling style is awesome, keep doing what you’re doing! And you can look our website about اغاني.
Thank you, Jason
We have a 2017 Nissan Titan XD that has the puck installing system. It is a 6 1/2 ‘ bed. What would you recommend for our hitch system??
Shawana, Thanks for the question.
Options for a Titan XD are a little more limited than the american truck brands. Let me start by saying that I don’t have any first hand experience with the Nissan/5th wheel combination, but I do tow my cougar 5th wheel with a 6-1/2′ bed ram truck. My first recommendation would be to use the Andersen Ultimate Connection along with the Curt gooseneck ball and anchor kit. This this the same combination I use. I am able to make 90 degree turns with this setup and I know there are other Titan owners who also tow with the Andersen hitch. This is a great choice because the hitch is light weight and easy to remove when not in use. If you have an older fifth wheel or one with a very squared off front cap, sharp turns when backing could be an issue. In that case I would consider the curt A16 PN16073 that will drop right into your pucks. If clearance when turning is an issue with this hitch you can swap your pinbox for the Reese sidewinder PN61410 and would have all the maneuverability you would ever want.
I would love to hear what hitch you decide to get.
Thanks again, Jason
Please put me on email distribution of your Blog.
I have a 2015 F150 Ford Pickup Eco V6 with a short bed of 5ft-5″. I am in the market for my first 5th wheel. I would need a hitch that is not to heavy for this 74 year old to remove when not trailing. What do you suggest I have installed as a hitching system.
Thank you, Bob
Bob, thanks for reading and thanks for the question.
For a light weight option I would normally suggest the Andersen hitch, but with the 5-1/2′ short bed I think you will want more clearance for turning. The Demco 13K autoslider was designed specifically for short beds like yours, but it comes in at a hefty 340 lbs. To get a light weight hitch and the best turning ability you are going to need a 2 piece system.
I would suggest using the Demco Recon 5th wheel hitch. It is the lightest traditional 5th wheel hitch available at 90 lbs. The head can be removed from the hitch, so for installation and removal you will have 2 pieces about 50 lbs each to get in and out of the bed.
Then to get the turning radius you need I would have a Reese sidewinder pinbox installed to replace the factory pinbox on your 5th wheel. If you haven’t already check out the video above about the Sidewinder pinbox.
Thanks and if you have any follow up questions please let me know.
Hey Jason, I really appreciate that you spent your precious time and have written this outstanding guide for users like me. Can you also write best air hitches to choose guide? It would helpful.
Thanks beforehand.
Jim, Thanks for the compliment. I have to admit I don’t know a lot about air hitches, but I will look into it. Writing a guide about air hitches could be valuable to others who aren’t familiar with them and give me on opportunity to learn something new.
If anyone else would like to see an air hitch guide please leave a comment below and let me know.
Thanks, Jason
Hey Jason,
I have a 2013 f150 5.5 foot box and I’m looking to get an Andersen ultimate goose neck hitch and I’m worried that my pin box will hit the side walls of my truck.
My pin box is 30 inches long but it is angled from pin to the back. Can I safely make 90 degree turns using the Anderson ultimate?
Abdel, Your question is actually quite complicated. You need to consider the width and height of your bed, the height the hitch ball will be at, which way you install the coupler and the length and taper of your pin box. Here is a link to a PDF with the dimensions of the Andersen hitch
I would start by measuring the width of the bed and divide that in half, then check the length from your king pin to the back of the pin box. If the pin box is longer than 1/2 the bed you can install the coupler with the ball socket behind the kingpin, like I have mine, this will shorten it by 4 inches. If the distance is still longer than 1/2 the bed with you will need to consider the height of the hitch and taper of you pinbox.
I hope that helps, thanks for the question.
Hi Jason, I’m impressed with the depth of the options you present on 5th wheel hitches for short beds. I’m new to RV’g and recently purchased a used 2014 5th wheel (Jayco Eagle HT) with GVWR of 9,950 lbs, however, I won’t be picking it up, where it is 5 hours away, until my newly ordered F150 6 1/2 ft bed with heavy duty payload is delivered. I’m confused about what to get and was hoping you could help. I plan to use the RV on several long weekends in the summer here in the Northeast, and maybe a week or so once a year venturing out further. I will not be renting a seasonal spot. I’d like 90 degree turn option but it seems to me I’d also probably prefer that it doesn’t sit in my bed all the time, so weight matters. Or is that what weekenders do during the Spring to Fall RV seasons? I don’t know if it matters, but the 5th wheel already has a MORryde pin box. I’ve read some blogs where noise can be very bothersome, so I’d want a hitch system that was quiet as well. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’d hate to pick up my 5th wheel only to find out that I should have gotten a different system!
Thank you, Randy
Jason, I should add that my initial thoughts were that I needed a slider, and if that was the case I would go for an automatic slider. However, with the 6 1/2 ft bed, have I spared myself of needing such heavy equipment? Thanks!
Randy, Your camping style sounds a lot like mine. I really like the Andersen Ultimate hitch, especially in your situation where you are probably going to be very close to the f150’s max payload. Unless I am going camping 2 weekends in a row I always remove my hitch so I have my bed open for other projects during the summer. The only downside is you might not get all the way to 90 degrees, but that hasn’t stopped me from being able to get into some tight sites with my 38 foot Cougar. If you haven’t already check out my full review of the Andersen Hitch. Thanks and let me know if you have any follow up questions.
Jason, wow! I never blog … and you answered…thank you! I’m getting 3.73 axle ratio with 3.5L EcoBoost engine, which provides for 11,500 lb towing and 2,620 lb payload. I felt I’d be comfortably below these maximum capabilities since it’ll only be my wife and I (and two dogs that total 100 lbs) at most times. Even if I had 4 adults in my crew cab we’re not bulky people, so I still felt I’d be within payload limits. Also, within the 2,620 payload a 150 lb driver is included, meaning I get to deduct 150 lbs from my weight when deriving at the total payload weight. I’m including all this because that’s how I concluded that the F150 would serve my needs, and just in case you know something that I may be missing in this determination. Back to the hitch, it also makes me believe I can go with a slider if I truly want that 90 degrees, because even with the heavier weight it seems I’d still be within the payload limit. I’ve never backed a trailer in tight surroundings so I’m new to all this and unsure of my needs. If I went with a slider which would you suggest? I would want to get something specific to an F150 that perhaps is under mount and not too heavy to remove on my own.
I did look at your full review and it is definitely going to be in the final 2 or 3 I will be choosing from. One more question…. the Pullrite SuperLite looks comparable to the Andersen. Anything distinguishable different that you are aware of, other than your high satisfaction with your Andersen?
Thank you so much…Randy
Randy, I’m happy to try and help. I took a look at your setup and it looks like as long as you don’t go crazy with gear in the bed of your truck or in the font of the camper you should be fine. If you are looking for something that will can be completely removed leaving your bed clear I think the B&W Companion Slider with the Turnover Ball base is your only option. This is probably the heaviest option though with a combined weight of 374 lbs. The heaviest part is the slider base weighting 212 lbs by it’s self. If you want to check them out here are some links to Amazon for the Slider Hitch and Turnover Ball Kit. This option will also give you a gooseneck ball if you ever need it. If you ever decided to move to a larger truck or RV this hitch is good up to 20K lbs.
Another hitch I really like is the Curt A16 hitch with slider base. The A16 is rated for 16k lbs so it will have no problem with your Jayco. This one is a rail mount, so the hitch can be removed from the rails, but the rails are bolted to the underbed frame. This means the rails aren’t easily removed. If you don’t mind leaving the rails in all the time this hitch is a lighter and lower cost option to the B&W. Here are links to check out the Curt parts you would need, Curt A16 Slider with rails and the F150 under bed mount.
I have looked at the Superlite. It’s a similar concept to the Andersen in it’s design, but they flipped the coupler and ball the other way. It came out after Andersen, and seems like it was Pullrite’s way to get some of that business back. My main complaint with the Superlite is that since it’s made of steel it isn’t much lighter than a fixed hitch. So I would either go with the Andersen for a light weight option, or a traditional hitch.
I hope this helps you make a decision. I think either of these options would work great for you and allow you to get that full 90 degree turn you are looking for.
Quite a blog. Loved reading. I know for me having a trailer is kind of stressful so it’s important to me to have one that is easy to tow. In the future, if I ever get a trailer I’ll be sure to check how easy it is to tow.
Thanks, Jason
Just Great Article. It’s really awesome and informative article for short bed hitch guide. Many many thanks for sharing with us.
Hello Jason. My fiance and I are new to the new to this game and looking for reccomendation. We move every 3 months for work and decided to get a 5th wheel to live in full time. Im looking for a hitch that would work best for our setup. I have a ram 3500 with the factory in bed puck system. The bed is 6’4″. Camper wise, were at 35′ with gross weight of 15500. I’m thinking i need a 16k slider. Preferably automatic. Would this be correct?
With a short bed and going full time, I think an auto slider is a great idea. Both of the brands I mentioned in the article make great units, so you can’t go wrong with either one.
The only concern I have is the 16k. With your current trailer you are right at the limit. Auto sliding hitches are expensive, so you you think you might move to a bigger 5th wheel in the future you might want to go up one size up on the hitch now.
Thanks for the question
Jason, I too appreciate your input. Can you tell me why you would recommend the Pullrite Superglide auto slider over the Demco Hijacker auto slider. I’m getting a 2019 Ford F-350 towing a 35 ft Montana 5th wheel.
John, You really can’t go wrong with either of those hitches. If you have done any research you probably found they both have very loyal followings. If you are buying from a dealer, get the hitch from the dealer you are most comfortable working with. Otherwise, I would go with the one you feel you can get the best deal on.
I did a huge amount of research prior to purchasing an Anderson Ultimate and I found your videos and guides more helpful than anything else I looked at. My question is when you made the Cougar 90 degree shot, was the coupler funnel in front of the king pin or the reverse.
I appreciate the good eotk you do for others also pursuing their vision of the RV dream.
Thanks for the compliment.
In the picture I have the ball funnel behind the king pin. In the other position the back of my pinbox would hit the side rails of my bed when turned to that angle.
Jason, please help. I have a 2014 f150 Max Tow truck. 5.5 bed. I recently purchased a 2019 Forest River Rockwood 8289ws ultra lite fithwheel. (Under 9k lbs). It came with a Reese Revolution. It was supposed to turn about 90 degrees. It will only go about 40. The dealer installed a Eaz lift hitch with a locking wedge. I think I the hitch is wrong, would you suggest converting over to the Andersen ball setup?
The Reese Revolution moves the pivot point back about 20 inches. This should allow you to turn sharper than the Andersen hitch would. It sounds like something with the Eaz Hitch / Revolution setup isn’t correct.
Here are a few things to look at.
If you need more information on checking these out please let me know.
Best recommendation for 2015 F350 quad cab 6.5 ft bed with isr rails pulling keystone sprinter 3570. length 39 ft total weight 13950 lbs hitch weight capacity 2340lbs
Paul, The Andersen might be a good fit for you, or a manual slider if you think you need the extra clearance. Check out the comparison table for links to see the different models.
Please help, any advice is much appreciated. I have a 2015 Ram 2500 shortbed with the Ram Boxes so I need to use the Reese Sidewinder, but I’m not sure which Hitch to get, not all will work because I need to install a wedge in the kingpin locking jaws. so far the only one I know of is the Curt E16, but then I must modify the release handle by cutting 2 in. off so it does not hit the side of the Ram boxes. My Keystone toy hauler Trailer will be right at 16k GVWR. Frustrating.
I had ramboxes on my 1/2 ton truck and it was a tough decision to not get them on my 3500. I decided against it because of the problem you are having now.
The Reese Titan Series, Signature Series, Elite and Select also work with the sidewinder. Reese also sells wedge kits for Husky and B&W hitches. Unfortunately I don’t know if any of them have a shorter release handle. Check out my comparison table to sort by brand and weight class to find the models that would work for you.
Thanks and if you don’t mind I would like to know what you end of using.
Hi, I have a 2017 Nissan titan SV with 5 1/2 ft bed. Going to get Winnebago Micro Mini Fifth wheel. Any help would be great. Want to go auto slider and lightest weight I can get. Thanks
Auto-slider and light weight usually don’t go together.
I think your best bet would be the Demco 13K or Pullrite 12K for such a short bed.
Just be sure to watch out that you don’t exceed your truck’s payload capacity with the hitch, camper pin weight and cargo.
Good luck,
Jason, I have a 2018 Ram 3500 with the 6.5ft bed and Ram boxes. I currently have a lightweight bumper pull but am in the market for a larger fifth wheel. Would the Andersen Ultimate Connection be a viable option or should I opt for the much heavier Sidewinder and standard fifth wheel hitch combination? Please advise.
Lance, The Andersen is a great hitch, but if you get a 5th wheel with a standard length pin box it will hit the ramboxes when you turn. The sidewinder might be your only option with the boxes. I love the ramboxes, but that’s why I don’t have them on my 3500.
Please see revised email for reply. Thank you.
My brother needs a gooseneck hitch for his truck. Interestingly, Th Andersen Ultimate 5th Wheel that is attached directly to a gooseneck ball can make the installation fast and easy with no rails. I do hope that we’ll be able to find a shop that sells different varieties of gooseneck hitches.
I have a Reese 10K Revolution on my 5th Wheel trailer and tow with a F-150 6.5 foot box. Truck is about to die and looking to get a new one. Will the 10K Revolution also working in a 5.5 foot box, allowing me to still make tight turns?
The 5.5 box might require you to give up a little bit on turning, but the revolution is probably your best bet for that situation.
I have a 2020 GMC Denalli 2500 with a short bed and just purchased an Anderson Ultimate Hitch that connects to the gooseneck ball. The puck system on the truck is offset back 3 inches behind the axle and when I install the hitch the offset is about 8 inches behind the axle. Will this cause a problem with weight distribution for the truck? When I connect the trailer to the truck, the bed drops 2.5 inches which might be normal but I had a F-350 prior to this and it did not drop at all.
It does sound like the weight is shifted a little further back than usual, but the hitch is still centered on the ball so the weight of the trailer is being transferred right above the axle and should be ok.
As far as the squat I would expect a 3/4 ton to drop a little more than a 1 ton. Changing from a Ford to a GMC suspension probably has something to do with the drop as well.
I hope that helps,