Ultimate Portable Fire Pit


  • Heavy duty ¼” Steel construction to hold up to all your campfires.
  • Modular design keeps it portable for camping, tailgating, trips to the park or beach.
  • Easy to assemble, be ready to build your fire in under 1 minute.
SKU: FP Category:

With the Ultimate Fire Pit you’ll never have to worry about where to build your campfire!

Designed and Built in the USA with ¼” thick structural steel this firepit will burn for hours without distorting or warping.


Modular Design

Although it’s made from thick steel, the 7-piece design can still be easily carried and setup.

With the largest part weighing in at under 20 pounds it can be assembled with ease in under 60 seconds.

Easy to Assemble

Easy to Clean

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will it rust out?
    • The thick steel construction may develop some surface rust, but will not rust thru for decades. If you would like to prevent rusting simply season the steel when the firepit is hot with shortening or oil, just like your favorite cast iron cookware.
  • How do you empty the ashes?
    • For small piles of ashes from only a few hours of burning you can simply lift the lower tray out of the fire pit and dump them out. After a full day of burning you can shovel the ashes out or remove the tray and dump them onto the ground below then sweep or shovel them.
  • Is it large enough to cook over?
    • Yes! The low sides make it the perfect fire pit for pie iron cooking. It is also large enough to cook a full meal using a freestanding grill like my favorite, the Perfect Campfire Grill (click here to check it out on Amazon).

Ultimate Fire Pit PartsUltimate Fire Pit DayUltimate Fire Pit NightUltimate Fire Pit Grill