About Me
Hi, I’m Jason. I live in northeast Ohio with my wonderful wife (and high school sweetheart) and 2 great kids. I started this website to share my experiences, tips, favorite campgrounds and gear with other “weekend warriors”.

There are many great sites dedicated full time RV living, hiking and backpacking, but I couldn’t find a site dedicated to the weekend RV’ers like my family.
I work full time as an engineer for a company building all kinds of unique manufacturing equipment. My wife Malina works as an RN and splits her time between a hospital where she works nights and a doctor’s office where she works 2 days a week. We love what we do and where we live, but as winter comes to an end each year we look forward to getting away in our camper for a few days and spending time together as a family.
How I do product reviews
In a perfect world I would purchase every item I review and recommend. Unfortunately, my budget (and my wife) don’t allow that. Occasionally I will accept a product from the manufacturer for review. I make it clear to them that my opinion of that product, good or bad will be shared with you my audience.
What about products I don’t own
When I don’t actually own a product I use several methods to create my reviews. First, if I can borrow, demo, or try something out in a store or show I will do that. When I can’t actually get my hands on the product I will research others experiences through online reviews. I also review the manufacturers sales literature and product manuals. Finally, I have contacted the product manufacturers directly to get answers to questions and details I cannot find anywhere else.
How can you help support Weekend RV Adventures?
This website is funded by commissions I receive from online retailers through affiliate programs. When you follow a link to a product and make a purchase I receive a small commission for that sale. This doesn’t cost you any more money, in fact, you probably support other websites and YouTube channels with many of your purchases.
I am currently a member of the Amazon Affiliate program as well as the eBay Partner Network.